We have developed designs for
- North Castle Street
- Frederick Street (north and south)
- Hanover Street (north)
These cross streets will provide some of the functions that would support the new George Street and First New Town design, such as
- residential parking
- loading and servicing bays
- taxi ranks
- bus stops
This project only includes the section of Hanover Street which sits north of George Street, referred to as Hanover Street (north). We will deliver changes to the section of Hanover Street south of George Street as part of the .
No changes are proposed to the existing layout, function or operation of the section of Castle Street which is located on the south side of George Street.
The plan shows George Street from Charlotte Square along to St Andrew Square

Each of the cross streets are highlighted in the image by a red dashed boundary line.
The designs show high level material specifications and how the cross streets will operate for all transport modes and services.
- Improve the streets with high quality materials that respect the area’s heritage
- Improve the streets for pedestrians
- Maintain or improve pavement widths
- Provide better links to George Street and reduce the need for car travel by encouraging more walking, wheeling and cycling
- Encourage bus travel and provide high quality bus stops
- Provide residential parking, bus stops, loading and taxi bays
From 16 November 2023 until Thursday 8 February 2024 we asked for your views on the proposed designs for the cross streets, .
Following this, the full George Street and First New Town programme was presented to the Council’s