Proposals for the streets crossing George Street
Frederick Street (North)

- The road will have granite setts and be narrowed to two lanes to allow for widened pavements.
- Pavements are upgraded in natural Yorkstone slabs.
- Parallel parking spaces for taxis, residents and pay and display are shown in laybys, also shown in granite setts.
- Widened pavement spaces are built out either side of the Thistle Street and Hill Street junctions to allow for a
nnon-signal controlled crossing point to the north of Thistle Street and cycle parking space to the south. - The non-signal controlled crossing across Frederick Street (north) is shown with dropped kerbs and dark grey blister tactile paving. The crossings over Thistle Street are raised tables, bringing the road flush with the pavement, and delineated with dark grey blister tactile paving.
The proposed layout and operation of Frederick Street (north)
Diagram key
- Loading area
- Motorcycle parking
- General car parking
- Pedestrian corridor
- Indicative threshold line
- Waste disposal area
- Road
- Seating
- Cycle parking area
- Bus shelter