
Improving Lothian Road

How we will develop designs and engage with you

We are at the very early stages of speaking to

  • local mobility and accessibility groups
  • residents
  • businesses
  • cultural venues
  • key partners such as emergency services
  • local councillors.

Over the next year, we will use this feedback to help us develop concept design proposals as part of Stage 2, as set out by .

We will carry out more extensive engagement and consultation on these proposals during 2025.

Making sure everyone can access Lothian Road

We know that people will still need get to the area by car, for example

  • local residents
  • blue badge holders
  • those with mobility issues who may rely on taxis to help them get around if they are not blue badge holders
  • businesses which need reliable deliveries, and services.

We will do an Integrated Impact Assessment which we will share and review throughout the project. We will also carry out further consultation on accessibility with local groups and residents.

Lothian Road project team

Get in touch with any queries.