Why we need to change Lothian Road

Lothian Road is a key transport link but currently
- the street is dominated by vehicles to the detriment of those walking, wheeling and cycling
- pavements vary in width and can be cluttered
- there is no dedicated cycling infrastructure
- there are issues with parking and loading in bus lanes during bus lane operating hours
- crossing the street can be challenging and inconvenient
66% of Edinburgh residents walk or wheel at least five days a week (Edinburgh Walking and Cycling Index 2023, Sustrans), and given the city centre location and key attractions, there is a significant volume of people walking and wheeling for everyday journeys.
Despite there being no dedicated cycle infrastructure on Lothian Road, cyclists continue to use it as a key north/south route. Data from March 2024 identified that during the peak periods over 630 cyclists were recorded at all locations on Lothian Road and Earl Grey Street.
Given that road safety/personal safety is the single largest barrier to cycling for Edinburgh residents (Edinburgh Walking and Cycling Index 2023, Sustrans) and there is already cycling demand on this corridor, it is likely that improved cycle infrastructure would encourage further users of the route.