Citywide support
Livity Youth Scotland
We have a youth club for young people from S1 to S6. Games, discussions, creative workshops, sports activities and more. Snacks and drinks provided. Join us at the youth group every Saturday from 3 pm to 5 pm. You can book to join the youth club by emailing us at or calling us at 07934 880 813. The youth club meets at;
The Venchie Children and Young People’s Project
61 Niddrie Mais Terrace
EH16 4NX
For more information visit the
Every Movement Counts
Every Movement Counts are three fun and enjoyable exercise classes for girls aged 11 to 16 years of age and it is open to anyone who lives in Edinburgh. Classes run every Tuesday from 17 September to 10 December from 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm at
For more information and to book contact or call Catherine on 07523 268 319.
Enable Online Youth Group
Enable online youth group runs on Monday evenings from 5 pm to 6 pm. The group is for anyone aged 16 -21 with disabilities. The group aims to boost mental health and independence, battle boredom from your bedroom and create new connections. The group sessions take place on Zoom, and we will accommodate your comfort level, even if you prefer not to use your camera. Details will be provided upon completion of the
For more information, please contact or
ND:Well - Barnado’s and Tailor Ed Foundation
Sometimes it can be difficult to be neurodivergent especially if you have poorer mental health. It can help to talk to an adult who is not in your family and who understands and will listen to your thoughts and feelings in an accessible, safe and supportive place. The Tailor Ed Foundation can match you with a peer group and a support worker who you can talk to about your feelings and what is going on in your life. This can help you to make sense of your feelings and support your wellbeing.
Our Wellbeing group is for autistic individuals aged 5-16. We look at emotional and mental wellbeing from an autistic perspective. We explore people’s motivations, values, and the importance of special interests. We cover how to meet physical, sensory, and emotional needs; as well as why it can be so difficult to get these needs met. The group learns some tools that can help build healthy well-being habits. 
If your family also need help to understand what you are going through Barnardo’s can help them to meet other people and give them support.
Find out more about ND Well on our website  or e-mail at
Mindroom supports neurodivergent children, young people and their families. This includes if you have a diagnosis of autism, ADHD, Dyslexia or other neurodevelopmental conditions although no diagnosis is required to access the services.
The Children and Young People Service supports children and young people aged up to 25.
You can access 1:1 support to help you with any issues you are experiencing in a way that works for you. You will be matched with a worker who will spend time getting to know you, before making a plan together for what you would like help with. They will help you have a say in decisions affecting your life and support you in improving your confidence and well-being.
A transition service is also delivered in some schools and provides 1:1 or small group support. It uses the Future Me resource to help you to identify goals, wishes and needs for the future.
Family Advice Specialists can also provide advice, information and emotional support to your parents or carers over the phone or by email. This can include information about neurodevelopmental conditions, rights and entitlements and signposting to relevant services and supports.
For more information on Mindroom’s support visit  a²Ô»å 
You can contact them at or 0131 370 6730
Mindroom – Neuropoint
Neuropoint is Mindroom’s young person’s stakeholder group. If you are aged 16-25 and want to make the world a better place, Mindroom want to hear from you. The group meets online on the first Wednesday of each month from 6 pm – 7:30 pm.
For more information visit the , contact or direct Help a²Ô»å Support Service: 0131 370 6730.
Mindroom – Friday Comic Club
This group is for young people to create and print comic art, from the ages of 14 to 18. Meets in-person at Out of the Blue Print, Drill Hall, Leith on the First Friday of the month from 2 pm – 4 pm.
For more information visit the , contact or direct Help a²Ô»å Support Service: 0131 370 6730.
The A-Teens group 
This relaxed group is for young people with Autism aged 14 to 18 years. It is a space for you to meet and socialise with other people your age.
The group runs at Canongate Youth Centre. Visits can be arranged so you can see where it is and ask questions before you go.
To find out more please contact Sima Carrasco, Wellbeing Worker. Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between 9 am and 5 pm on 07799 243 565
Chill Youth Club run by The Speech Language Communication Company
This supportive and creative social club is for young people aged 16- 25 years who experience speech, language and communication barriers.
Sessions help boost self-confidence and build life skills. Sessions are weekly at Fetlor Youth Club and are free of charge.
Contact Judith Woodward to find out more at or 07507 535 857
Edinburgh Positive Wellbeing Service
If someone in your family has gone to prison it can be very hard to deal with all your thoughts and feelings. It can help to talk to an adult who is not in your family who can listen to you and help you to understand what has happened and how you feel. You will have the choice of how you spend time together and what would be most helpful for you.
An individual and tailored package of support is also available to families and is reviewed regularly to ensure it reflects your changing needs and priorities.
We can meet with you in a way that suits you, at home, school or somewhere else or by phone or video.
Find out more about support on the website .
Sunflower Gardens
Sunflower Gardens supports children and young people aged five to 18 years who are affected by drug and/ or alcohol use within their family.
Sunflower Gardens is a safe and confidential space where you can explore your thoughts and feelings and learn positive coping strategies. The service can offer you counselling (including art and play therapy), 1-1 support and group activities. 
You can refer yourself for Sunflower gardens support.  For more information, you can look at the  or email ²õ³Ü²Ô´Ú±ô´Ç·É±ð°ù²µ²¹°ù»å±ð²Ô±è°ù´ÇÂá±ð³¦³Ù°ª³¦°ù´Ç²õ²õ°ù±ð²¹³¦³ó.´Ç°ù²µ.³Ü°ì 
Young People Substance Use Service (YPSUS)
YPSUS is a partnership of Edinburgh agencies that offer help and support to young people (up to the age of 21) who use substances including alcohol.
For more information visit the or contact or 0131 529 6700
Richmond’s Hope
When someone close to us dies it is a really hard time and we will often need support to help us manage. Richmond's Hope offers children and young people aged 4 to 18 support when someone dies, support can be one-to-one or in groups. They can also give telephone support and advice to the adults who are supporting you at home and school.
If you think you would like support from Richmond Hope ask an adult at school or home to help you get in touch with them.
0131 661 6818  
Talktime Scotland  
TalkTimes Scotland offers free counselling and emotional support to young people aged 12-25 years with a physical disability living in Scotland. Sessions can be in person, online or over the phone.
For more information visit the , and page.
To make an appointment contact  or 07774 210104
Heritage and Inclusion Service
Action for Children offers one-to-one and group support for young pupils from the BAME (Black, Asian, and Ethnic Minority) population between the ages of 12 to 25.
They provide a space to share your experiences and access mental and emotional health support.
Activities about heritage, culture, and inclusion are offered, such as cinema, lunch, bowling and links made with the National Museum of Scotland, colleges, and The Duke of Edinburgh Award.
For more information or to find out how to get involved contact or 07977633005
SCOREscotland Conversation Cafe for Arabic-Speaking Young People
The conversation café is an opportunity to develop your communication and networking skills. The group is open to any Arabic-speaking young person aged 12 to 16 years.
Groups run in blocks of weekly online workshops on themes like climate change, heritage, racism, and integration. Monthly outings and family social events are also organised every 3 months.
For more information contact or 0739 860 3969
Young Saheliya
The Young Saheliya Service provides support for young BME women and girls from the age of 12-25 years. Here at Saheliya, we understand that it may be difficult for you to meet friends and may experience barriers to making the choices that you want. It is a free, safe, private and confidential space to chat with someone about things that may be bothering you.
We offer 12-25-year-old drop-in, one-to-one and counselling support.
For more information contact or 0131 556 9302
4Corners Project- Multi-Cultural Family Base (MCFB)
The 4Corners Project offers support to children and young people aged 8 to 14 years (mainly BAME). You might be finding things difficult because of changes or challenges in your life like moving country, learning a new language, missing people or the place and culture you grew up in, racism or trying to meet new people your age.
The 4Corners project can offer individual or group support. They will support you to build confidence, meet others and do fun activities. They can also offer support to the adults you live with.
For more information visit the , and or you can contact 0131 467 7052
Big Hearts Switching Play
Switching Play is for young people aged 13-16, who are feeling isolated, struggling with school and have an interest in football and physical activities.
It is a 6-week programme that helps you work on a fresh start, work on goals and improve your wellbeing. You will also have the opportunity to volunteer in your local community.
Programme topics include:
- Drugs, Vaping and Alcohol Awareness
- Gambling Awareness
- Racism
- Fire Safety
- Mental health
Switching play can help you;
- Build your confidence
- Build positive relationships and connections– with other young people, adults at Big Hearts, police and tutors.
- Improve your health & Wellbeing –physical activity, including playing sports and outdoor walks and receiving reliable information on wellbeing topics.
- Life Skills -Develop a variety of skills from Scottish Fire and Rescue and Police Scotland.
- Learn and develop your ambitions – Opportunities to volunteer and do something positive within the community.
Big Hearts Neuro Stars
Neuro Stars is a weekly support group for children and young people aged 5-16, who have a neurodivergent diagnosis or are in the process of diagnosis, and their parents or carers.
You will get to take part in a range of activities, including messy play, sensory room, arts and crafts and indoor and outdoor sports, these are led by our team of youth workers.
Your parents and carers have the opportunity to take some time for themselves in our adult group while you are having fun. Our experienced family support staff will help them to connect with others and offer tailored advice and information on a range of issues relevant to the group.
Intercultural Youth
It is good to have different people in your life to talk to. Sometimes it can be good to talk to someone who is not in your family or one of your friends.
Intercultural Youth Scotland's Mental Health Service offers culturally informed counselling and mentoring with a team of therapists who understand how racism affects mental health and have expertise in racial trauma. If you are aged between 12-25 and identify as a Black person or a Person of Colour, you or a trusted adult can self-refer by filling in our quick form here: .
Suitable for: Tailored compassionate support for young people living anywhere in Scotland, aged between 12 to 25, who identifies as a Black Person or a Person of Colour, with an anti-racist approach to care.
Please reach out to, if you want to chat about receiving support or if you need any help filling out our referral form.
You can find out more about IYS through the website:
Up-to-date advice, information and opportunities can be found at:
Creative Hub - Canongate Youth
The Creative Hub is held on Fridays, from 1.30 pm to 4 pm at Tone Garden / Summer Hall. A vibrant multi-arts programme, where children and young people from all over Edinburgh can take part in FREE arts activities, learning skills in creative industries, and music. With weekly sessions, and chances to perform, projects bring children and young people together with arts professionals from Scotland and abroad to work side-by-side on world-class projects and productions. 
Contact for more information.
CY @the Vennel - Canongate Youth
This group is for S4s and is based at 6VT Youth Cafe. However, many activities take place in different locations in Edinburgh. A taster of different activities aims to motivate or inspire you and hopefully help you discover new interests or skills.   
Contact for more information.
The Green Team
Green Volunteers
Green Volunteers is a programme for 12-18-year-olds which runs on various Sundays throughout the year, 9.30-4.30 pm. It is open to anyone and is the perfect way to connect with nature, yourself and others. Find out more about the natural world, contribute to some amazing conservation tasks and visit some fantastic places in and around Edinburgh. Also great if you are doing your Duke of Edinburgh.
Find out more and book via the
Skylarks runs 1 Saturday a month for 12-18-year-old girls and non-binary people. Enjoy time outdoors, connect with nature, meet other people and have fun visiting some amazing places in and around Edinburgh.
Find out more and book via the
The Green Team Thrive
The Green Team Thrive programme is a therapeutic programme to support young people struggling with their mental wellbeing through deep nature connection. The programme runs in blocks of 8-10 weeks, midweek, term-time for young people aged 14-16. This is a referral programme (can be self-referral) through your school or other agency.
More information is available on the
LGBT Youth Scotland
LGBT Youth Scotland provides youth groups, events, projects, and 1:1 asset-based coaching for LGBTQ+ young people 13-25. 
In Edinburgh, three youth groups run at the Crannie.
Group Name | Information |
Beyond Gender | This is a group for young people who are trans, non-binary and questioning their gender identity. Tuesdays 6-8 pm. Age 16-25 years. |
SmashUp | Join the group to be part of an LGBTQ+ inclusive space where you can make friends, have fun and learn new things. Wednesdays 5:30-7:30 pm. Age 13-16 years. |
VADA | Join the group to be part of an LGBTQ+ inclusive space where you can make friends, have fun and learn new things. Thursdays, 5:30-7:30 pm. Age 16-25 years. |
Best contact: put your postcode on the website to find your local groups via  . Select the one you're interested in and complete the registration form. A local youth worker will contact you to arrange a registration meeting.
Visit the website for more information or email
We offer 1:1 support in the form of mental health coaching, counselling & art therapy for anyone aged 11-21 in Edinburgh. The sessions are at U-evolve’s space in Norton Park as well as in educational and community settings. The sessions are free and normally we offer a block of 12 sessions. You can self-refer and choose which support you feel would suit you best, or you can get support from an adult like someone at school or home. If you would like to hear a bit more about U-Evole’s services, drop us an email, text, or WhatsApp or call.
For more information visit the or contact
07534 106 155