Edinburgh’s Green Blue Network - connecting nature and people
Working with
- Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
- Scottish Water
- Nature Scot
- Scottish Wildlife Trust
- Sustrans
we asked independent consultants, Atkins, to map out all Edinburgh’s ‘green’ and ‘blue’ spaces. This included
- trees
- parks
- rivers
- wetlands
along with the different habitats which support different types of plants and animals.
We have linked this up with local information on
- areas at risk of flooding
- protected and designated sites, such as World Heritage sites
- walking and cycling routes
- areas that absorb carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere
- social and economic data such as vacant and derelict land.
This has allowed us to work out where there may be areas in Edinburgh which could be connected together using ‘green’ and ‘blue’ links to help reduce risks from
- all types of flooding – including flooding from rivers and heavy rainfall
- high pollution levels
- high temperatures
- loss of nature and wildlife.
As well as protecting our city for the changes in climate which lie ahead, this network could help increase and protect existing places for nature to live. It will also make sure people can move around Edinburgh in safe, beautiful greenspaces. The outcome of the project will help inform the content and implementation of our City Plan 2030.