City Plan 2030 adopted
City Plan 2030 was adopted on Thursday 7 November 2024. It is the local development plan for Edinburgh. Together with the national planning document NPF4, it forms the development plan setting out policies and proposals to guide development.
It replaces the Edinburgh Local Development Plan adopted in 2016.
City Plan 2030 consists of a main written statement, appendix D setting out technical requirements for housing proposals and a proposals map showing policies and proposals as they relate to a map of Edinburgh.
Adopted documents PDFs:
- City Plan 2030 written statement
- City Plan 2030 Appendix D: Technical requirements for housing proposals
- Proposals maps North East, North West, South East, South West
- City Plan 2030 Environmental Report: Post Adoption Statement
The can also be used to zoom, search by address and turn information layers off and on.
Notice of Intention to Adopt
Notification of the Council’s intention to adopt the plan as modified was sent to Scottish Ministers on 3 July 2024.
We received confirmation from the Scottish Government that the Council may proceed to adopt City Plan 2030 subject to modifications outline in its dated 10 September 2024.
City Plan 2030 has now gone before Planning Committee and Full Council.
- Planning Committee ratified City Plan 2030 on 23 October 2024.
- considered at
Resolution to Adopt City Plan 2030 as modified
We have considered the recommendations of the published on 5 April 2024 and have prepared a modified City Plan 2030 accepting all recommendations.
At the and , the Council resolved to adopt the modified City Plan 2030.
The following documents comprise City Plan 2030 as modified, June 2024
- City Plan 2030 written statement
- City Plan 2030 Appendix D: Technical requirements for housing proposals
- Proposals maps North East, North West, South East, South West
The modifications to the plan are set out in the Table of modifications to City Plan 2030.
The modified plan is also supported by the following updated documents:
- Environmental report second revision
- Draft Habitats regulation appraisal and addendum revised
- Updated integrated impact assessment
A revised Housing Technical Note has also been prepared to aid clarity and transparency on the modifications to the plan following examination.
Proposed City Plan 2030
The proposed plan was originally published in September 2021 and approved for examination by Planning Committee on Wednesday 30 November 2022:
- City Plan 2030 Written Statement November 2021
- City Plan appendix D site requirements November 2021
- November 2021
Proposed Plan and
The Scottish Government report of examination
was published on 5 April 2024. This concluded the examination.
You can on the DPEA website.
Development Plan Scheme
The latest Development Plan Scheme (DPS) was approved by the . The DPS sets out the steps and timescales for preparing the next local development plan City Plan 2040.
The DPS includes an updated Participation Statement which shows how we are planning to engage with people and when they can get involved in the City Plan 2040 process. This follows a consultation between November 2023 and September 2024.
Supplementary Guidance on Infrastructure and Development Contributions - finalised
View the Supplementary Guidance (SG) on Infrastructure and Development Contributions (PDF) and its addendums approved by Planning Committee on 11 December 2024. The SG has been submitted to the Scottish Ministers for their consideration before it can be adopted as part of the Development Plan.
Keep up to date with the project
- Follow us on Twitter at @planningedin
- Join in the conversation by using the #cityplan2030 hashtag
View City Plan 2030
A paper copy of the modified City Plan 2030 and environmental report is also available to view at local libraries and a full set of documents are available to view in
City Chambers reception
249-253 High Street
EH1 1YJ.
The City Chambers is open Monday to Thursday between 9am and 5pm and Friday between 9am and 3pm.