
Edinburgh Project SEARCH application

Edinburgh Project SEARCH is a unique, business-led, 9 month programme that takes place entirely in the workplace helping young people to get ready for work and find a job.

Edinburgh Project SEARCH placementÌý

You will attend the programme everyÌýMonday to Friday, from 9am to 4pm, and you will complete 3 different work placements at one of our host businesses either

  • Сòòò½APP
  • NHS Lothian
  • Virgin Hotels Edinburgh.

You will be supported to apply for jobs, attend interviews and enter paid employment when you have finished the programme.

Who is eligible

To be eligible to apply you must

  • be aged between 16 and 29 years old
  • live in Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian or West Lothian
  • have a disability
  • want a full-time job (16+ hours per week)
  • commit to attending Edinburgh Project SEARCH for 35 hours per week (Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm) during the Edinburgh College academic year
  • be able to travel by yourself, or can you learn how to do this by August

Before you begin

We will ask you about

  • your qualifications
  • previous training
  • work experience
  • why you want to apply

so please have this information to hand before you start the form.

We conduct our recruitment between March and April each year. If you have applied outwith this time, we will hold your application on file and contact you when recruitment begins to confirm you still wantÌýto be considered for the programme.

If you have any problems filling out this form or have any questions call us on 0131 529 3157 or email project.search@edinburgh.gov.uk for help.