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Trams and Buses

How will bus services be affected once in operation?

Trams are intended to complement the bus offering, not replace them.  The Leith Walk corridor is nearing capacity and with the local population expected to increase, we must act now to ensure public transport in the area does not become oversubscribed.

Will there be a transport interchange at Elm Row?

The stop at McDonald Road sits to the south of the street and on Elm Row/Haddington Place.  You will be able to get off the tram at McDonald Road and walk to the bus stops at Elm Row/Gayfield Square in around 3 minutes. Alternatively, those coming from the west of the city can get off the tram at Picardy Place and walk to the bus stops at Elm Row/Gayfield Square in around 2 minutes.

Will there be a transport interchange Picardy Place?

Yes, the stop at Picardy Place will be located on the west side of the island site, with an additional platform allowing direct access to the island site.  You will be able to get off the tram at the Picardy Place stop and walk directly to the bus stops located in front of St Mary’s Cathedral.

Will there be a transport interchange at Ocean Terminal?

Yes, a transport interchange will operate from the plaza outside the front of Ocean Terminal allowing people to move seamlessly between bus, tram and taxi.

Will buses be allowed to go through Constitution Street?

Buses will be able to use Constitution Street between Bernard Street and Queen Charlotte Street. Due to the narrow nature of the road, buses will not be able to access Constitution Street between the Foot of the Walk and Queen Charlotte Street. 

Has consideration been given to combined bus/tram stops, specifically at the Foot of the Walk stop?

The project team have reviewed the possibility of bus and tram sharing a single platform.  This has a significant impact on tram journey times and will also require some form of stepped platform due to the differing alighting levels from the vehicles.  As a result, there has been no further consideration for shared stops.