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Cycle Routes

Cycleway Design


Why is there no segregated cycling provision between Constitution Street and Ocean Terminal?

Due to width constraints on this section of the route between Constitution Street and Ocean Terminal we are unable to provide segregated cycle lanes. People on bikes will continue to be able to use the road alongside other vehicles as they do today, although entry to Constitution Street from the Leith Walk end will be restricted to trams and buses. This is because of the width restriction on the street and the dangers posed to cyclists where the tram lines run close to the kerb edge due to the platform arrangement. We are working with local cycle interest groups to develop alternative routes to keep cyclists moving around the area safely and conveniently.

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How will cyclists travel from the Foot of the Walk onwards to Ocean Terminal?

We have been working with local cycle interest groups to develop alternative routes to keep cyclists moving around the area safely and conveniently. As a result of this we have secured further funding from the Sustrans Community Links programme to help progress design work to improve cycling options from the foot of Leith Walk. We will continue to work closely with our cycling community and active travel partners in the coming months to develop a solution that provides safe and convenient onward cycling options for the north of the city.

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How does the design take cognisance of cyclist safety and the principles of design adopted along the route between Haymarket and York Place?

The design of cycling safety measures follows the same principles as those which form part of the current four-stage safety improvement plan for Haymarket to York Place. This will include incorporating lessons learned from the Tram Safety consultation, from ongoing tram cyclist safety improvement work as well as local cycling and safety interest groups. The detailed design for cyclist crossings of the route is currently being developed with the Council’s active travel team to ensure consistency of approach to that already installed between York Place and Haymarket.

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What dedicated cycling provision will be in place on Leith Walk once construction is finished?

There will be dedicated cycling provision on both sides of Leith Walk from the Foot of the Walk up to Picardy Place. View the Final Designs (PDF). 

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Why isn’t the cycleway on the west side of Leith Walk a straight line?

There is a fixed space between the building lines on Leith Walk. In this space footways, cycleways (on both sides of the street), parking, loading, bus stops, bin provision, two carriageways, two sets of tracks and a central reservation need to be accommodated. As a result, it was not possible to deliver a straight dedicated cycleway the length of Leith Walk.

The design of the footways and cycleway on Leith Walk was agreed as part of the consultation that took place in 2018 with residents, businesses and other key stakeholders including Spokes and Living Streets. All the designs are in compliance with the Edinburgh Street Design Guidance (ESDG), have undergone safety audits, and are consistent with the majority of cycle lane installations going forward in the City.

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Why are there a number of different size bays the length of Leith Walk? What are they for?

The bays on both sides of the street are there to accommodate bus stops, parking and loading provision. In addition, there are a number of non-signalised crossings that are accessed via a small bay in the kerb line and other bays exist to accommodate bins. View the Final Designs (PDF).

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Why are there lighting columns in the dedicated cycleways on Leith Walk?

Lighting columns that are currently located on the cycleway will be removed once the Overhead Line Equipment (OLE) has been installed on the central reservation on Leith Walk as the OLE poles will incorporate street lighting. This is resulting in some cyclists, who are currently using the cycleway despite signage advising it remains closed, having to approach some sections at angles that will not be required once all works are completed. 

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Why isn’t there a greater segregation level between the footway and the cycleway?

The presence of utilities at an extremely shallow depth below the footways on Leith Walk has driven the current design and differences in level between the cycleway and footway. Given these constraints, it is unlikely that changes can be made to surface levels although the project team continues to explore the matter.

The lip between the footway and the cycleway is there to provide clear segregation for visually impaired pedestrians. It has been designed in line with the Edinburgh Street Design Guidance.

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Can the depth of the taper on the current cycleway be reduced?

7 locations on the cycleway have been identified as needing remedial action and these will be addressed by the project.

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