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Out of Hours Works

There will be instances when works are required to take place outside the standard working hours of Monday - Friday 7am - 7pm and Saturday 8am - 1pm. Find out more about our out of hour works.

Read about our construction process.

Please see below a list of works scheduled to take place outside the project's normal working hours. 

For a text version of our out of hours works, please click here.

Location Duration  Description of works Date of Listing
Site wide

3 July - 25 August 2023

evening and night shift

Scottish Water works for two nights 18 & 19 July 2023

Foot of the Walk /Great Junction Street.

24 July - 31 July 2023

Works on the Foot of the Walk Tram Stop

W/C 24 July 2023

Works on traffic signalling at the Bernard Street / Constitution Street junciton. 

Operator maintenance

There will be instances of Edinburgh Trams carrying out maintenance works on the route

18 July 2023