
How to make sure you are paid on time

System-to-system orders and invoices

We can issue purchase orders and receive invoices electronically through a secure system-to-system electronic data interchange (EDI) channel. It can be used with any system and there is no charge for the service.

This removes most of the manual handling steps for both the supplier and the Council, providing financial and efficiency savings.

Benefits for suppliers

There are many good reasons why you should adopt electronic ordering and invoicing:

  • removes the need to key purchase orders into your system
  • increases the time available to fulfil orders since they are in your system minutes after we send them
  • your invoices are transmitted in real time, direct into our system, meaning no delays to payment
  • invoices can't be mislaid, removing need to produce copy documents
  • eliminates manual processing errors, meaning fewer queries
  • provides early notification (typically within 24 hours) of any invalid invoices

What is needed

You don’t have to instal a new system. You and your employees can still use familiar documents, worksheets, databases and web forms to create, process and share data.

We use the Oracle Business Network (OBN) to route data between our organisation and yours. There is no charge for you to use OBN.

Your ICT support team will need to interface to OBN, but this is a relatively simple process. Our Systems Team will work with your ICT support to carry out testing and make sure the processes meet business requirements.

How to register an interest

To register an interest in electronic purchase orders and invoices email paymentenquiries@edinburgh.gov.uk.

We will contact you with more information.