Our team of fully qualified pest control technicians works to the highest standard possible. We use professional grade products to control pests of public health significance and a coordinated approach to control issues reported as quickly as possible.
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We happily advise on any pest control concern – please see contact details on this page.
Pests and nuisances
Contact us if you are a Council tenant with a pest control concern.
Rat sightings
Contact us to report any rat sightings on Council-owned land.
Identifying insects
If you are having a problem with insects but you’re not sure what they are our team will be happy to identify them for you.
Please place a sample in a crush proof container along with your contact details and post this to our address below or email us a photo of the insect.
We will get back to you with advice on possible methods of treatment.
Insect identification can take up to 14 working days.
Contact us
0131 666 2623
By post
Pest Control OfficeMortonhall Crematorium
Howdenhall Road
EH16 6TX