
Workplace parking levy for Edinburgh

Background to workplace parking levies

As Edinburgh continues to grow, we need to find ways to

  • reduce congestion
  • lower emissions
  • improve air quality

to help us meet our ambitious net zero 2030 target.

Although there is a perception that congestion is confined to the city centre, in fact it is a problem throughout Edinburgh and the surrounding area.

We also need to find ways to fund improvements which make it more attractive for people to use

  • public transport
  • greener ways of travelling such as
    • walking
    • wheeling
    • cycling.

Scottish Government giving decision-making to councils to raise funds for local needs

In June 2022, the came into force in Scotland. This allows councils to encourage people out of their cars and onto more sustainable ways of getting around. Nottingham has been running a successful WPL scheme for over ten years.

The Scottish Government and environmental groups believe this will help

  • reduce congestion
  • reduce air pollution
  • encourage people to travel to work in other ways instead of taking the car.

The levy would also provide money to

  • help make public transport better
  • invest in greener ways of getting about the city.

Using funds raised from WPL

All money raised from the WPL must, by law, be invested in improving local transport.

An Edinburgh WPL, similar in design to Nottingham City Council, has the potential to bring in over £11 million a year which would be re-invested in public transport and active travel. We will decide what the funds will be spent on according to local transport needs. We ask questions about this in our engagement survey.

Workplace parking levy survey