
Disabled person's parking places

A Disabled persons parking place is a reserved space on the public road for use by Blue Badge holders only. Blue Badge holders can also park within a variety of parking locations as either the driver or passenger of the vehicle, provided the badge is clearly displayed. These locations include

  • pay and display bays
  • shared use bays
  • disabled persons parking places
  • single and double yellow lines (out with any loading prohibition and provided an obstruction/hazard is not caused)

Find further advice on blue badges and applicable parking concessions, including free parking permits for residents.

Apply for a disabled persons parking place

To apply you will need to provide

  • a copy of your V5 or your Motability agreement
  • a copy of your Council Tax bill

Existing locations of disabled person parking places

There are numerous disabled persons parking places in Edinburgh which can be used by anyone displaying a valid Blue Badge. Find the nearest space to your destination on our . Disabled persons parking places are marked in light blue.

Travel concessions

Address: FREEPOST 242