Producing a Local Place Plan
Who Can Produce a Local Place Plan?
To produce a Local Place Plan you need to be a properly constituted community body. This can relate to a place, or it can be a community of interest.
For example:
- a Community Council
- a Community Development Trust
- a charity group or local organisation relating to a particular part of Edinburgh
How should you produce a Local Place Plan?
We have produced a How-To Guide to explain how to make a Local Place Plan and check if this is right for your community.
Download the How-To Guide (PDF)
There is no right or wrong way to develop each plan, as it will depend on the resources you have available. However, it must relate to a specific area in Edinburgh. This can be as small or big as you want.
You should involve as many people as you can in your community to develop the Local Place Plan.
What should you include in your Local Place Plan?
Each plan should cover the community’s proposals for the development and use of land in that area. This could include:
- Changes to planning policy.
- Identifying appropriate sites for development.
- Proposals for how to develop a site, including the types of uses, how the development should look and how it connects with the surrounding area
- Areas or things that you want to protect, like open space, playing fields, historic buildings, shops or local employment
- Things you think are missing which would make the place better, like types of housing, shops or services, local employment, paths and connections between different areas, access to public transport or community facilities
- Problems in your community which planning could address, such as flooding, lack of suitable housing or lack of food growing spaces
A Local Place Plan does not have to cover everything within the area; it could just focus on one thing that your community is concerned about or would like to improve. For example, it could have a food growing, nature or climate change focus. You can look at to help you think about how climate change might affect your area and how you might want to design and use your place.
But it must
- Include a map that shows the land to which the plan relates
- State the proposal for the use or development of land within the plan area
- Have regard to the National Planning Framework 4 and City Plan 2030
The proposed development sites and policies in City Plan 2030 can’t be changed by a Local Place Plan.
The plan can be a simple document and does not need to be designed professionally. A word document and a map can be enough.
We have produced a Local Place Plan template (PDF) to help you think about what you could include, but you do not need to use this.