Fees payable in 2024 to 2025
New licence (1 year)
Homesharing £120 per occupant
Home letting £120 per occupant
Home sharing and home letting £120 per occupant
Renewal (3 years)
Homesharing £360 per occupant
Home letting £360 per occupant
Home sharing and home letting £360 per occupant
Secondary letting (new and renewal, 1 year)
- 1 to 3 occupancy £653
- 4 to 5 occupancy £1,089
- 6 to 10 occupancy £2,481
- 11 to 15 occupancy £3,872
- 16 to 20 occupancy £5,264
- 21 and over occupancy £5,869
Temporary licence
- 1 to 5 occupancy £250
- 6 to 10 occupancy £350
- 11 and over occupancy £600
Temporary exemption
- 1 to 5 occupancy £250
- 6 to 10 occupancy £350
- 11 and over occupancy £600
Property with HMO licence in place
Transfer of licence
Provisional licence
20% of the full licence fee based on the maximum occupancy of the premises
Confirmation of a provisional licence
80% of the full licence fee based on the maximum occupancy of the premises
Change of manager
Variation of licence - other than change of manager, capacity increase or change of letting type*
*Capacity increase or change to type of let will require a new application