
Freedom of information (FOI) disclosure log

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Request no. 53658. Received: 01/03/2025

Primary 1 Deferral Requests

How many deferral requests have been received? What percentage of the total student body do these requests account for? What percentage of deferral requests are from children born between August and December 2020? Plus other questions.

Request no. 53660. Received: 02/03/2025

Edinburgh Living Mid-Market Rent LLP

Copies of grant application forms, supporting documents including the relevant Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) and the outcome of grant applications, including levels of award and such conditions as may be attached to its use.

Request no. 53661. Received: 02/03/2025

Penalty Charge Notices - Issued 02/03/2025

A list of all the PCNs made, including the times, codes/details of type of violation occurred etc. A list of all the car impounds that occurred that day, including the related PCNs and times issued and the location of the PCNs/Impounds.

Request no. 53662. Received: 02/03/2025

Carnbee Culvert Repair

Copies of the Priced Bill of Quantities, all architectural drawings used to price Bill of Quantities, contractor insurance certificate and the Letter of Comfort issued by CEC to Carnbee Residents Association.

Request no. 53663. Received: 03/03/2025

Homelessness - Duty to Refer

Total number of patients referred because they were at risk of or experiencing homelessness? Total number of patients with No Recourse to Public Funds referred? Total number of people who were provided accommodation and other questions.

Request no. 53672. Received: 03/03/2025

24/03057 PRE APP, 1 Anderson House EH6 5NP

A copy of the pre-application advice note ref 24/03057/PREAPP and Clarity over whether the Planning Officer was made aware of proposals to submit the planning application 24/05147/PAN 52 – 54 and 56 – 58 Bangor Road , EH6 5JU during this.

Request no. 53674. Received: 03/03/2025

Temporary Worker Contracts

Who are the contracts with? When were the contracts awarded? When do they expire? How much did the Council spend on agency workers April 2022 to March 2024? Who is the person responsible for awarding temporary staffing contracts?

Request no. 53676. Received: 04/03/2025

Current salaries of the senior jobs 2025/26

Can you please provide the details of the current salaries of the top jobs within your council, and how many headcount in each post, including: Chief Executive, Directors, Area Managers, Heads of Service and any other Chief Officer positions.

Request no. 53677. Received: 04/03/2025, Resolved: 05/03/2025

Business Rates Credits - Most Recent

The company names, start date of rates account, if account is still live or not, property address, date/year credit was created, full amount of credit and reason for the credit.


This information was provided previously under ref 52616.

Request no. 53679. Received: 04/03/2025

Glyphosate for weed control

Why is Glyphosate still used on some streets, list all the streets that did not have Glyphosate applied 2024 for weed-control, list all the streets who did have KNOWN harmful chemical Glyphosate applied and other questions.

Request no. 53681. Received: 04/03/2025

Equality, Diversion and Inclusion Roles

Could you supply how much has been spent on equality, diversion and inclusion roles within the council in each of the last five years, with a breakdown per year?

Request no. 53683. Received: 04/03/2025

Council Tax relief and increases 2025 - 2026

Full breakdown of council tax relief funding received and allocated; Detailed justification for any tax increase beyond the allocated relief funds; Formal assurance that no additional revenue will be used for pay rises, bonuses, or disc expenses.

Request no. 53685. Received: 04/03/2025

Library Membership Since 2019/20

How many new adult memberships, how many total adult members, how many new child memberships were generated and how many total child members did libraries in this local authority have in each year since 2019/20?

Request no. 53687. Received: 04/03/2025

High Hedge Notice - Priestfield Avenue, Edinburgh.

Date of the notification sent to the residents that the notice was fulfilled, who ‘signed off’ the notification, was hedge work inspected before the notification, and by whom? Can I have a copy of this notification?

Request no. 53688. Received: 04/03/2025

City of Edinburgh Council Owned Roads

Please clarify that the public roads are owned by the council or not?

Request no. 53689. Received: 04/03/2025

Accident at Saunders Street - 30 March 2024

What is the criteria for the annual inspection at Saunders Street, type of inspection took place, what is meant by the code “RD:CW&FW Safety Inspection CAT2, how often are the bins emptied at this locus? Plus 3 more questions.


Request no. 53690. Received: 04/03/2025

Care Homes within Local Authority

Please list all care homes in the council area and the cost per year.

Request no. 53691. Received: 04/03/2025, Resolved: 05/03/2025

Swimming pools

How many council owned, public swimming pools, how many council owned, public swimming pools did you own 2014/15 and how many council owned public swimming pools were sold, or closed, from the financial year 2014/2015 to the present date?


  • 05/03/2025

    We believe that all, or part of the information is held by Edinburgh Leisure who can be contacted at:

Request no. 53699. Received: 04/03/2025

Corstorphine Road - Potholes and Road Issues

All information and records on works, inspections, claims and also any public reports of pothole or road issues on Corstorphine Road (specifically the road between the junctions Pinkhill and Balgreen Road).

Request no. 53700. Received: 04/03/2025

Housing Costs - National Early Prisoner Release Programmes

The cost to Edinburgh City Council of providing housing to individuals released under any national early prisoner release programmes in each of the last three years.

Request no. 53701. Received: 04/03/2025

Voluntary Throughcare - National Early Prisoner Release Programmes

The number of prisoners released under any national early prisoner release programmes and the estimated cost to Edinburgh City Council of providing voluntary throughcare.

Request no. 53707. Received: 05/03/2025

Equality and diversity roles/duties

How many staff does your council currently employ covering equality and diversity roles/duties? In the last three years what is the total combined cost to your council for employing staff covering equality and diversity roles/duties?

Request no. 53709. Received: 05/03/2025

Care home fees

How much did Edinburgh Council spend on care home fees in 2024?


Clarification requested

Request no. 53710. Received: 05/03/2025

National Census (Schools) Figures for Leith Walk Primary

I would like a copy of the National Census (Schools) Figures for Leith Walk Primary submitted this year.

Request no. 53711. Received: 05/03/2025, Resolved: 10/03/2025

National Census (Education) figures provide by Leith Walk Primary

I would like a copy of the National Census (Education) figures provide by Leith Walk Primary to the Council at the start of the current academic year. I understand they are called Seemus- I may have the abbreviation wrong

Request no. 53716. Received: 05/03/2025

Trees - Prestonfield

Do the trees belong to the council? If so, will it assess and perform maintenance on its trees? If not, whose trees are they?

Request no. 53717. Received: 05/03/2025

Tree Officer Contact Details

I am looking to compile a database of tree officer contact information to facilitate ease of communication when contacting councils regarding TPOs and tree works in regard to planning applications.

Request no. 53719. Received: 05/03/2025

Tree Planting

1. Within your council, please provide the documented tree-planting strategy for the whole of 2024?

Request no. 53726. Received: 05/03/2025

Inclusive Communication Practices

Do you track requests for inclusive communication support in your listed authority? This could include (but is not limited to) requests for communication support for meetings (online or in person) and for static resources.

Request no. 53727. Received: 05/03/2025

School Toilets

Could you please provide all written communication from/to the Council and the Scottish Government (including officials) in the last two years that mentions school toilets.

Request no. 53732. Received: 05/03/2025

14 Bath Street - Former 'George Cinema'

The nature and extent of any independent examination carried out on behalf of the Council in respect of structural condition or the presence or extent of asbestos.

Request no. 53734. Received: 05/03/2025

Amendment of parking outside Blackford Ave, EH9 2PP

All correspondence in relation to parking outside address, all correspondence between council officers regarding any plans for parking amendments and other questions.

Request no. 53735. Received: 06/03/2025

Internal Policies and Procedures - Parking Warden Investigations

Internal policies and procedures undertaken when investigating complaints against Parking Wardens.

Request no. 53740. Received: 06/03/2025

CCTV - Outside Hanover Tap on Hanover Street

Requesting for CCTV footage from the camera on the lamppost across the street (outside Chez Jules) on 01.03.25.

Request no. 53743. Received: 06/03/2025

Council Run Allotments

The number of council-run allotments under your authority. The number of people currently waiting for a space at a council-run allotment. The length of time people are currently waiting for allotment spaces on average.

Request no. 53744. Received: 06/03/2025

Housing allocation of new builds bought in last 2 years

How many are empty, where allocated to Scottish people, allocated to non UK citizens, required work and I would also ask that the allocation process and priority methods used in allocating these homes is provided.

Request no. 53745. Received: 06/03/2025

Dalry Road, Edinburgh resurfacing plans

Does the council have any plans to repair and resurface Dalry Road?

Request no. 53746. Received: 06/03/2025

Spey Lounge, 39 Leith Walk, Edinburgh, EH6 8LS

The current Licence Holder and Designated Premises Manager for this premises along with effective dates for both positions.

Request no. 53747. Received: 06/03/2025

Craigmount High School - Catchment

Current school roll Number of pupils attending from Forrester High catchment. Number of pupils attending from Royal High catchment. Number of out of catchment children

Request no. 53748. Received: 06/03/2025

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Spend and Measures

How much has your organisation spent on measures relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in each year since 2019/20? Please provide as much information on what this money has been spent on?

Request no. 53754. Received: 06/03/2025

Bus Lane Infringements in Last 5 Years

Please can you give a breakdown of all infringements caught on bus lane cameras in Edinburgh broken down by individual camera over the last 5 years & the road the camera is on, and a number of fines relating to that specific camera.

Request no. 53755. Received: 06/03/2025

CCTV - Hunterfield Road

CCTV Hunterfield Road on 02 March 2025

Request no. 53756. Received: 06/03/2025

Children in Edinburgh Schools

Number of children in independent schools? Number in council schools? From this data how many have an Edinburgh address? How many commute or board at school? How many Early Years, Primary and Secondary? Plus other questions.

Request no. 53758. Received: 06/03/2025

Direct Payments

What approach Edinburgh Council uses when working with people who are considering direct payments? Does the Council point people towards specific insurers or just explain the requirement? What independent advice providers do you direct people?

Request no. 53760. Received: 06/03/2025

Pavement Parking Fines

How many fines have been issued - 28/2/2024 to 28/2/2025? Breakdown of streets where fines were raised? Any occasions where streets have seen repeat pavement parking offenders, by car make and model/colour?

Request no. 53762. Received: 06/03/2025

Blue Badge Parking & misuse of bays (Scotland) - years (2022, 2023, 2024)

Amount of designated disabled parking bays? How many active Blue Badge holders? How many Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) have been issued? Total revenue generated from fines? Plus other questions.

Request no. 53770. Received: 07/03/2025

Number of Properties in Each Council Tax Band

The number of properties in each Council Tax band, the charge for each band, the number of households who receive Council Tax reduction, and the number who receive 25% and 50% discounts.

Request no. 53776. Received: 07/03/2025

Council spending on consultancy

The total amount of money, in pounds, spent by the local authority on consultancy services for the financial years 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24.

Request no. 53778. Received: 07/03/2025

Tynecastle, Easter Road, Murrayfield SAG Meeting Minutes

Please provide the last three Safety Advisory Group (SAG) meeting minutes covering three years for Tynecastle and Easter Road, and the Murrayfield stadia SAG meeting minutes from last year.

Request no. 53780. Received: 07/03/2025

Homeless Deaths 2024

Request for information about the number of deaths from 1st January 2024 – 31st December 2024 (inclusive) in your local authority area, in accommodation for homeless people.

Request no. 53781. Received: 07/03/2025

St Margaret's Private Nursery

A copy of the Partnership Agreement between City of Edinburgh Council and St Margaret's Private Nursery and Preschool. Minutes, correspondence regarding the decision to not renew the Partnership Agreement. Plus further questions.

Request no. 53782. Received: 07/03/2025, Resolved: 10/03/2025

Tram Tracks - Princes Street

All information, in any format, relating to records of inspection of tram tracks on Princes Street, Edinburgh from 26 October 2022 to date.


Cancelled. Duplicate of 53630

Request no. 53784. Received: 07/03/2025

Accident on Slateford Road, 9/1/25 circa 17.20 hrs

Full details of the actions taken by CEC from being made aware until completion of 'make safe' arrangements, All information and timings relating to the initial accident , the response and initial clear up of the road and final making safe.

Request no. 53785. Received: 07/03/2025

Abandoned Bicycles - 2020 to 2025

The total amount reported, collected, costs incurred (collection, disposal, etc), details of authority's policy. Geographical hotspots for abandoned bikes, any identifiable trends, details of initiatives/campaigns and other questions.

Request no. 53787. Received: 08/03/2025

Complaints/anti social behaviour

Please disclose the number of complaints and reports of noise and or antisocial behaviour for a specific postcode during the past three years.

Request no. 53793. Received: 08/03/2025

Environmental reports for Drumdryan Street

A count of all refuse reports for the past three calendar years, A count of all environmental service reports made for same period and Details of any further action being taken by the Council to address environmental concerns in the area.

Request no. 53794. Received: 08/03/2025

Housing Stock - Wall Tie Inspections

Do you have a maintenance regime for the inspection of wall ties in your housing stock? If so, how often is it done, and is there a record?

Request no. 53795. Received: 08/03/2025

Complaints - Lussielaw Road

Complaints in Lussielaw Road

Request no. 53796. Received: 09/03/2025

Boswall Crescent - Park Consultation

How many people responded to the online consultation on the use of the park at Boswall Crescent? How many respondents were in favour of putting the gates back? When does the council plan to act on the outputs of the consultation?

Request no. 53797. Received: 09/03/2025

Social Housing Waiting Times

Average waiting time for 2, 3, 4 bedrooms properties as a Mover across all EdIndex properties for applicants without priority award and does it differ for people who need an extra bedroom, If so, what are these averages?

Request no. 53798. Received: 09/03/2025

Family School Transport Payments for the past three years

Total number of families/individual parents which your local authority makes payments to, to provide transport for their own children to get to school and total number of families/individual parents which receive such payments.

Request no. 53799. Received: 09/03/2025

Council Tax Reductions

Number of elected Councillors that are subject to Council Tax reductions, if possible which Councillors? if not which groups/parties/affiliations to Councillors. Total value of foregone revenues associated with Councillor Council Tax reduction.

Request no. 53801. Received: 09/03/2025

Roadway and Footpath Repairs

How many online reports of a 'road or pavement problem' with dates, when the Council last physically assessed the reported problem, what priority 'Category' was assigned to the problem and other questions.

Request no. 53803. Received: 10/03/2025

CCTV: Quality Street Traffic Light Junction

Was a search conducted for the specific time and location provided? If so, how was this search carried out? Were the cameras in the area operational at the time of the incident? If not, what was the reason for their failure? plus other questions.

Request no. 53809. Received: 10/03/2025

Height Restriction Data

If you have any new updates or complete database of all Height Restrictions in your local authority. This is especially important if there has been any surveying of heights in the last 2 or 3 years, we may still require this data to check.

Request no. 53813. Received: 10/03/2025

Wellness Businesses & Saunas

The number of wellness businesses & saunas • The number of businesses operating in the wellness sector - SIC code 96040 - opened in the last two years. • Specifically, the number of saunas that have opened in your local area in the last two years.

Request no. 53816. Received: 10/03/2025

Smoke Nuisance Complaints for last 10 years

Number of complaints received, If recorded, the identified source of the smoke nuisance complaints, enforcement actions or resolutions taken, any public guidance, restrictions, or policy changes and complaints specifically citing health concerns.

Request no. 53818. Received: 10/03/2025

CCTV - Willowbrae Road Leading to Smokey Brae

Please provide CCTV footage of an accident around 3.16pm on 10/03/2025.

Request no. 53824. Received: 11/03/2025

Care Contract details

Contracts for delivery of residential elderly care and care at home for older people, contracts for fixed sum/duration and list of companies included on a framework agreement and information on any contractual requirements. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53825. Received: 11/03/2025

Financial expenditure & contractual commitments for Magdalene Community Centre

Annual maintenance and repair costs for the building, annual facilities management costs, annual utilities costs Any capital expenditure in the past 10 years related to improvements, refurbishments, or major repairs. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53826. Received: 11/03/2025

Information on Active Zoo's

1. A copy of each active zoo licence issued by the local authority 2. Each licensed zoo's most recently submitted stock list/inventory of animals 3. Each licensed zoo's most recent inspection report

Request no. 53829. Received: 11/03/2025

Sex education in all schools between 2019 to 2025 (to date)

How many kids where removed from sex education in the academic years requested and how many complaints where received during these times please split over primary and secondary schools and overall academic years. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53831. Received: 11/03/2025

TRO/22/13 Regarding the consultation on the proposed closure of Cammo Rd

It has been stated that one of the reason for the closure is due to the number of serious accidents on this road. Please provide me with all the relevant information on these serious accidents which have contributed to case for closing this road.

Request no. 53832. Received: 11/03/2025

PCNs Issued, Unpaid & Paid

The total number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued by your authority in the past 12 months. The number of PCNs that were paid & unpaid in this period. The total revenue generated from PCNs.

Request no. 53833. Received: 11/03/2025

CCTV - Queensferry Road/Quality Street.

1. A map of CCTV units in the area. 2. A clear indication of which specific CCTV units were reviewed in connection with my request. Can you please advise how the intelligent CCTV upgrade assisted this situation

Request no. 53834. Received: 11/03/2025

Outdoor Learning Activities for years 2021/22, 2022/23, 23/24

A list of all schools that have paid for outdoor learning activities, total amount paid by each school for such activities, breakdown of payments per supplier, tendering process used and if a direct award was made. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53835. Received: 11/03/2025

Looked-After Children in Placements

Current number of looked-after children, breakdown of placement categories and unregulated placements.

Request no. 53836. Received: 11/03/2025

Road works and closures by local authority - 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024

1. Total number of road works carried out? 2. Total number of road closures due to road works? 3. Duration of each road work project carried out?

Request no. 53837. Received: 11/03/2025

Construction works at Dalry Road for the Roseburn to Union Canal Link project

I would like access to the pre and post-construction survey conducted by Hardies on the tenement building at 4 Downfield Place. Any information held by the City of Edinburgh Council pertaining to this pre and post construction survey.

Request no. 53839. Received: 11/03/2025

Intruders in school grounds/buildings both during and outwith the school day

East Dunbartonshire council looking at updating/creating procedures relating to intruders in school grounds/buildings both during and outwith the school day. Can you provide me with any procedures/alerts etc you may have in relation to this?

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