
Free school meals, milk and school clothing grants

What you’ll get

All children in P1 to P5, or who go to a special school, get free school meals.

If awarded, you’ll get

  • free school meals for children in P6 and P7, and in high school
  • payments for lunches during school holidays
  • free milk for children in primary and special schools
  • a school clothing grant of £125 for each child in primary school, and £157 for each child in high school.

Free school meals start from the date you apply. If you apply during a school holiday, they will start on the first day of the new school term.

Your award ends in July unless

  • a child leaves school before the end of the school year
  • a child moves to a school run by another Council
  • your earned income rises above the allowable amount.

You must apply each year, unless you get an automatic award.

We pay clothing grants between summer and the last day of March the following year. We pay one clothing grant per child each year.

If your child is over school leaving age, their school must confirm they’re attending before we pay you. They may also apply for an .