South West
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Bookbug at Broomhouse Space
This Bookbug group is for all parents and carers in the area with little ones under the age of five years to come together every Tuesday between 9.20 am and 10.30 am and join in rhymes and stories. Sessions run at
For more information visit the or contact
0131 455 7731
Peep Toddlers Learning Together sessions
Peep Learning Together sessions are run by Lifelong Learning for parents and carers and their babies and toddlers in South West Edinburgh. Peep sessions share simple ways of supporting your child’s learning and development in everyday life, whilst connecting with others. You can make a real difference by just talking, singing, sharing books and playing together. You and your child can make friends, have fun and share ideas. Toddler peep sessions for parents and children run on Wednesdays from 9.30 am to 10.45 am and baby peep sessions for parents and babies run on Fridays from 9.30 am to 10.30 am at
Pentland Community Centre
Oxgangs Brae
EH13 9LS
For more information contact
0131 445 2871
Homelink Peep stay & play sessions
Homelink runs a Peep stay and play group for children from birth to four years of age and their parents and carers. Experience sensory, messy and outdoor play along with talk time, songs and stories. Free refreshments are provided. The group runs during term time at
For more information contact
07359 308 045
Expecting Something with Starcatchers
Expecting Something is a creative playgroup for parents and carers with babies from birth to two years old. Participants can enjoy bonding with their baby through creative play, whilst meeting other parents and enjoying a healthy cooked lunch. Sessions take place weekly on Thursdays from 11 am to 1 pm at
For more information visit the or to book a place, contact
07723 541 628
Starcatchers’ Saturdays!
Weekend creative playtime for families with children from birth to five years of age who live in Wester Hailes and surrounding areas. There is no need to book, just drop in. Every week there is a different theme and new ways to explore together. Sessions run on Saturdays from 11 am to 12 pm for babies aged nought to 18 months and from 12 pm to 1 pm for children aged nought to five years at
For further information visit or contact
07723 541 628
Family Club
This family club is for families with children of all ages to enjoy fun activities. Sessions run on Wednesdays between 5.30 pm and 7.30 pm at
For more information contact
Soft Play
Soft Play sessions for families with children under five years cost £3 per child. Sessions run on
Mondays from 10am to 2pm – Drop-in sessions for children with additional support needs and their siblings
Tuesdays from 10am to 12pm, 12pm to 2pm and 2pm to 4pm – Play for all
Fridays from 10am to 12pm and from 12pm to 2pm - Play for All
For more information contact
0131 622 1757
Messy Church
Activities for young families to enjoy together. All children aged nought to 11 years are welcome, sessions provide a fun time involving crafts, games and mess including songs, story, prayer station, drama and a meal together. No pre-booking is needed, but if you’re a child you’ll need to bring an adult, and if you’re an adult you’ll need to bring a child. There is no charge, but donations are welcome. Sessions run on the last Sunday of the month from 3 pm to 4.30 pm at
For more information contact
Tea and tots stay and play
A stay-and-play session for children and babies aged nought to five years with their parent/carer. With toys, crafts, songs and refreshments available. A donation of £2.00 is suggested. The group runs on Thursdays during term time from 10 am to 11.30 am at
For more information, visit the