
Planning privacy notice

What personal data is used

As part of our obligations to maintain public planning registers under The Town and Country (Planning) Act 1997, names and addresses will be published on the planning portal. Planning applications will also be published on the portal, with details of the application also appearing in weekly planning lists and where required, in planning committee papers.

Any other personal or special category data will be removed from documents before publication. 

Individuals who wish to make a representation about an application will have their name and address published on the planning portal. Their stance will also be included whether they support or object to the application.

In terms of the enforcement system, if a notice is served, the name of the person(s) on whom it has been served will be published on the planning portal and the Council website in the enforcement register. Where an enforcement investigation has taken place, the address of the property will be published on the planning portal.

Persons who make comments on planning applications will also have their details used as part of the appeal or review process. Names and addresses will be published as part of the local review body process, and personal details will be sent to the Planning and Environmental Appeal division of the Scottish Government as part of the appeal process.

Names and addresses will be published on the Council website in respect of comments received as part of the Local Development Plan process.