Corstorphine Community Centre - Other warm and welcoming locations
Events that are on
Charity Shop Book Nook Coorie in and Jigsaw Monday to Friday 10am to 330pm
Babies Group 10 to 11:30am
Men’s Shed 1 to 3pm
English Support Homework club S1-S6 4 to 6pm
Craft Group 10 to 12 noon
Rotary Club Sessions 10:30 to 12 noon
Craft Group 1 to 3pm
Bygone Days 2 to 330pm
Digital Inclusion 10 to 12 noon
Gentle Seated Exercise 1030 to 1130am
Lunch Club 12 noon to 2pm
Walking Group – 9:30am to 12 noon
Sporting Memory - 10:30 to 12 noon
Mens Shed workshop - 1 to 3pm
Knitting and Crochet - 1 to 3pm
Youth Club (S1-S6) - 6 to 8pm
Under 5’s Singalong 10 to 11am
Art group 10-12pm
Community Shed Garden 11 to 2pm
Gentle walks / warm up 130-3pm