
West Tollcross - List of public roads In Edinburgh

Street Adoption Status
Property Notice Description
WEST TOLLCROSSFrom EARL GREY STREET south-westwards to LOCHRIN PLACE LANE.Street split between PUBLIC, PRIVATE & PROSPECTIVELY ADOPTABLE sections:PUBLIC SECTION: From EARL GREY STREET south-westwards to No.45 Lochrin Place. Footwayon east side of private carriageway is public. There is no vehicular access other than for emergency vehicles to section of shared footpath/cycle track between the north side of Lochrin Place & No. 15 West Tollcross which is bounded by bollards. Carriageways & adjacent footways adopted for maintenance. PRIVATE SECTION: 20m section of carriageway at junction with LOCHRIN PLACE LANE is private. Footway outside No.s22-26 is private. Landscaped areas & footways around No.s22-26 are also private. Not included for maintenance under the List of Public Roads.PROSPECTIVELY ADOPTABLE SECTION: Remote shared cycle track/footway from Lochrin Place generally west towards Lower Gilmore Bank. Not as yet included for maintenance under the List ofPublic Roads.