
Gorgie Road - List of public roads In Edinburgh

Street Adoption Status
Property Notice Description
GORGIE ROADRoad split between PUBLIC, PRIVATE & PROSPECTIVELY ADOPTABLE sections:PUBLIC SECTION: From the centre-line of Ardmillan Terrace south-westwards to the centre-line of Stevenson Drive. Includes footway to flats at No.564; access road north at No.494 with end-on parking & bellmouth opposite No.543 leading to private parking. Carriageways and adjacent footways adopted for maintenance. Not including the branch north-east to Ford's Road which is Housing(Not Maintained by Road Services).PRIVATE SECTION: Private cul-de-sac from Gorgie Road between Nos 66 & 76 northwards, opening into a yard. Access lane to properties 426-458 is also private (aka Factor's Park). Not included for maintenance under the List of Public Roads.PROSPECTIVELY ADOPTABLE: From Gorgie Road opposite No.536 south-east serving No.s 507-509 with turning head. Remote footways south & west respectively from outside No.509. Not as yet included for maintenance in the List of Public Roads.