- Community centre
- Clovenstone community centre
- Address
54 Clovenstone Park
EH14 3EY - Council email address
- CLD-Clovenstone@ea.edin.sch.uk
- Phone number
- 0131 463 4561
- Programme
Please contact us for more course information and to book.
- 9.30am to 11.30am - Knitting Group
- 9am to 1pm - Sunflower Pantry (weekly re-stock)
- 3.30pm to 5.30pm - P4-P7 Afterschool Club
- 6pm to 8pm - Ready steady cook
- 7.45pm-8.45pm - Saltire Dance
- 9.30am to 2pm - Sunflower Pantry
- 11.30am to 12.30pm - APNA (Asian Woman’s Group)
- 11.15am to 12.15pm - Clovenstone Primary School
- 3pm to 5pm - P1-P3 Afterschool Club
- 5pm-7pm - Sunflower Pantry
- 5.30pm to 7pm - Girls Group
- 7.15pm to 8.30pm - Why Project
- 9am to 3pm - Additional Learning Support
- 11am to 1pm - Prospect (one to one meetings)
- 3.30pm to 5.30pm - P4-P7 Afterschool Club
- 5.30pm to 7.30pm - Family Club
- 7.45-8.45 - DDP Dance
- 9am to 2pm - CAMHNS
- 3pm to 5pm - P1-P3 Afterschool Club
- 5.15pm to 8.45pm - DDP Dance
- 9am to 12 noon - Additional Learning Service
- 10am to 12pm- Digital Learning
- 1pm to 3.45pm - DDP Dance
- 4pm to 6pm - Why Youth
- 6pm to 8pm - Why Youth