- Community centre
- Carrickvale community education centre
- Address
2 Saughton Mains Street
EH11 3HH - Council email address
- CLD-Carrickvale@ea.edin.sch.uk
- Phone number
- 0131 443 6971
- Website
- Programme
Please contact us for more course information and to book.
- 9am to 2pm – Forever Young (0131 443 4167)
- 10am to 11am – Gentle exercise 50 plus
- 10am to 12 noon – ESOL resettlement (Adult learning)
- 10am to 12 noon – Art, drawing and painting (Adult education)
- 11am to 12 noon – Positive Paths disability group – dance, sing and music
- 12.30pm to 2.30pm – Positive Paths (Adult disability group / literacy)
- 12.30pm to 2.30pm – Carrickvale connections GRP (Isolated adults)
- 1.30pm to 3.30pm – Art life drawing and painting (Adult education)
- 6pm to 9pm – Pilates (Tom 07980 692 929)
- 6pm to 7pm – Karate (Youth / adult aspence6@sky.com)
- 6pm to 7.30pm – The Young Ones junior youth club p1 to p4
- 6.30pm to 8.30pm – Senior youth club S1 to S3
- 9am to 2pm – Forever Young
- 9.30am to 11.45am – Parent and toddlers (£1 an adult and £1 a child)
- 10am to 11am – Zumba (07875 692 533)
- 10am to 12 noon – Literacy (Adult learning)
- 10am to 12 noon – Int Spanish (Adult education)
- 10am to 12 noon – Art watercolour (Adult education)
- 1pm to 3pm – Int bridge (Adult education)
- 12.30pm to 2.30pm – Spanish (Adult education)
- 1.30pm to 3.30pm – Art oil and acrylic (Adult education)
- 2.45pm to 4.45pm – Spanish (Adult education)
- 1.30pm to 3.30pm – Carpet bowling (50p member and £1 non member)
- 4pm to 5pm – Highland dancing (Frankie 07479 171 737)
- 5.45pm to 6.45pm – Youth archery (£1 member and £2 non member)
- 4.30pm to 7.30pm – Indian dance (All ages)
- 6.45pm to 8.15pm - Beginners yoga
- 9am to 2pm – Forever Young
- 9.30am - Driving medicals 0131 234 1235
- 9.30am to 11.30am – Assisted support for learning (Schools)
- 9.45am to 11am – Tartan tots (07479 171 737)
- 10am to 12 noon – Art: Portrait, painting and drawing (Adult education for all)
- 10am to 3pm – Upholstery (Adult education)
- 10am to 12 noon – Art (Adult education)
- 11am to 12 noon – Assisted support for learning (Schools)
- 11.15am to 1.15pm – Positive Paths carpet bowls
- 12.45am to 2.45pm – Family cosy corner
- 1pm to 3pm – Art (Adult education)
- 3.30pm to 5.30pm – Art (Adult education)
- 6pm to 6.45pm – Highland hustle (Adult fitness)
- 6pm to 8pm – Next step junior youth club p5 to s1 (£1 member and £2 non member)
- 6pm to 7pm – Dance fitness for adults (ddmixwithgemma@outlook.com)
- 9.30am to 11.30am – Parent and toddlers (50p member and £1 non member)
- 9.30am to 12 noon – Family support / Triple P (Adult learning)
- 10am to 11am – Fit steps (contact 07875 692 533)
- 10am to 12 noon – Craft group self help patchwork group
- 10am to 12 noon – Art water (Adult education)
- 10am to 12 noon – Dress making (Adult education)
- 10.30am to 2.30pm – The Vale Club (ask for Anne) Heart / Stroke Group
- 11.30am to 2.30pm – Positive Paths archery
- 12.30pm to 2.30pm – Literacy (Adult learning)
- 1pm to 3pm – Spanish (Adult education)
- 2pm to 4pm – Art water (Adult education)
- 4.15pm to 5.30pm – Highland dancing (Contact Frankie 07479 171 737)
- 6pm to 7pm – Yamaue Aiki Jutsi for youths (Contact John Monaghan 07871 554 111)
- 7pm to 8.30pm – Yamaue Aiki Jutsi for adults
- 6pm to 9pm - Pilates (Contact Tom 07980 692 929)
- 6pm to 8pm – Bristo Band
- 9am to 2pm – Forever Young
- 9.15am to 10.45am – Baby ballet (Contact Claire 07731 466 147)
- 10am to 11am – Gordon Macdonald SNP surgery (2nd Friday of the month)
- 10am to 11am – Yoga
- 1.30pm to 3.30pm – Numeracy (Adult learning)
- 1.45pm to 3.45pm – Sequence dancing
- 2pm to 3pm – Christine Jardine MSP (1st Friday of the month)
- 1.30pm to 3.30pm – Art Club P2-P7 (£1 member and £2 non member)
- 4pm to 7.45pm Dansation (Contact 07976 585 479 / kmdansation@gmail.com)
- 6.30pm to 7.30pm Indian dance