
We call on the City of Edinburgh Council to do everything within its powers and remit to require that Lothian Pensions Trust divest from all investments concerning arms manufacture. - Petitions (Closed)

Petition details
The Lothian Pensions Trust currently has large investments in companies that are involved in the manufacture of weapons that are being used in conflicts across the world, often killing innocent civilians.
We understand that the Lothian Pensions Trust has a fiduciary duty to invest its funds to maximise its returns for its pensions portfolio. However, there are other investments that could be made that would provide good long-term returns on the invested funds that would contribute to local and global sustainability, rather than destruction and death across the globe. These include investments in local renewable energy schemes (to mitigate climate change) and local social housing, meeting local needs.
Petition Status
Petition submitted by (Business or Individual)
Name of petitioner
Mark Bitel on behalf of Campaign Against Arms Trade and Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre
Opening date
Closing date
Total signatories
Petition Outcome
This petition will be considered at the Petitions Committee on 30 March 2017