
Use of Micro-Asphalting for Urban Road Repairs/Resurfacing - Petitions (Closed)

Petition details
We request that CEC reverse their decision to adopt the use of 'Micro-Asphalting' as their method to resurface urban roads. We request that CEC adopts the use of Hot Rolled Asphalt (or similar) to make good road surfaces.
Petition Status
Petition submitted by (Business or Individual)
Name of petitioner
David Steele
Opening date
Closing date
Total signatories
Petition Outcome
The Petitions Committee are unable to consider this petition as the minimum number of signatures has not been reached.A petition requires at least 200 signatures before it can be considered by the Petitions Committee. Petitions which refer to a local issue can be considered by the Committee at the discretion of the Convener if they have more than 50 signatures.