
Roseburn to Union Canal

Keeping in touch

We will attend community council meetings quarterly to provide updates and get your feedback. Site visits will be arranged for local counciillors and community councils to see progress.

If you have any questions or comments about the project, please contact us at roseburntounioncanal@edinburgh.gov.uk

For any urgent queries about the construction, you can speak to the team on site or contact Balfour Beatty

02038 102 345


To receive regular updates about the project's progress and ways to be involved please email us



We are delivering this project in partnership with Balfour Beatty, Sustrans Scotland and design consultants WSP and any information shared with us will be used to inform the development of this project and may be shared with them. We are relying on the condition of processing in Article 6(1)(e) of GDPR “public task” for collecting and processing this data. At the end of the project all personal data will be removed, this will take place before the end of 2024. If you wish to be removed from the subscription list or have any of your details removed or amended, then please email us

View the Council’s general privacy policy or contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer.

