
The Edinburgh Children’s Partnership

The Edinburgh Children’s Partnership is the statutory partnership between the Council and NHS Lothian which, along with other key partner agencies, work together to plan, provide and deliver services for children and their families.

Each children’s partnership in Scotland must produce a 3-year Children’s Services plan. Plans were to be produced for 1 April 2020, yet Covid-19 altered this timeframe, with the Scottish Government allowing more time for partnerships to respond to the pandemic and address the impact of the pandemic on their Children’s Services plans. The plan is strategic, which reflects the increasingly busy planning landscape that exists for the Council as well as its partnership partners.

Edinburgh Children’s Services plan

The 2020-2023 Edinburgh Children’s Service plan is a continuation of the first partnership plan - 2017-2020 Edinburgh Children’s plan.

The plan has been developed from participation work undertaken with What Kind of Edinburgh as well as consultation with children, young people, parents, carers and staff. The collective feedback assisted in the formation of the plan’s three main aims – the 3Bs

  • Best Start
  • Bridging The Gap
  • Being Everything You Can Be

Each of the 3Bs has two priority areas, based on consultation with Edinburgh’s children, young people, parents, carers and staff, and are focussed on improving prevention and early intervention.

The plan identifies nine measures of success and has benchmarked these to allow tracking over the lifespan of the plan.

The Edinburgh Children’s Partnership plan will annually review and update the plan where appropriate and necessary.

The plan, its content and its progress are reported annually to the Scottish Government.

Edinburgh Children's Partnership Children's Rights Report 2017/ 20

This is the first report on the steps the Partnership has taken to progress the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) across its services throughout the city. It covers 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the report includes the period since March 2020.

The report highlights progress and achievements that we can build on in the next three years. It also sets out progress, evidence and challenges in relation to each of the eight clusters of rights that make up the UNCRC. It ends with lessons learnt and recommendations for future work in this vital area.

Edinburgh Children's Partnership annual report

The Edinburgh Children’s Partnership has produced an annual report relating to its activities covering the Children’s Services Plan 2020-2023.

Trauma Informed Practice

The Edinburgh Children’s Partnership has created a Trauma Informed Practice strategy to support and assist colleagues across children’s services work with people through 5 principles. By ensuring that our behaviours towards everyone are aligned to the 5 principles, we can make sure that we are all offering the right support to everyone we are in contact with.

Download the Trauma Informed Practice document MS Word This document is not fully accessible. If you need help please contact Education and Children’s Directorate on 0131 529 6566.