The Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage site was added to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation's - UNESCO's list of World Heritage sites in 1995.

UNESCO stated that the site "represents a remarkable blend of two urban phenomena: organic medieval growth and 18th and 19th century town planning".
There is a 2017 to 2022. The previous management plan covered 2011 to 2016.
Forth Bridge World Heritage Site
The Forth Bridge was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2015. sets out the management and conservation of the Forth Bridge World Heritage Site.

The Forth Bridge was inscribed as "a masterpiece of creative genius' and is 'an impressive milestone in the evolution of bridge design and construction". requested that a number of views be formalised in order to ensure the setting of the bridge is protected. These are identified in the key viewpoints document for the Forth Bridge.
Download the Forth Bridge key viewpoints document - PDF
Managing our world heritage sites
requires every world heritage site to have a plan which says how the Outstanding Universal Value - OUV of the site will be protected. OUV is the collection of things which make the area special.
The shows the boundary of the World Heritage Sites, conservation areas and listed buildings.