
Princes Street and Waverley Valley Strategy

The draft strategy for Princes Street and the Waverley Valley

Our draft strategy sets out the guidance and proposals to help us conserve and revitalise this world-famous Princes Street, protecting it for generations to come. 

It will help us take a clear and consistent approach to developing the area, so that we can 

  • Renew buildings with a mix of retail and leisure uses  
  • Improve pavements and public spaces  
  • Manage change to Princes Street Gardens and the Ross Bandstand 
  • Shape the future of Waverley Station and the area around it.

West garden links sketch showing connections to Princes Street

Download the draft Princes Street and Waverley Valley strategy.

The key objectives of the draft strategy


Ensure Princes Street and the Waverley Valley is a safe, attractive and welcoming place for residents, workers and visitors to experience as a destination for leisure, shopping, culture and wellbeing. 


Protect, promote and enhance the street and Valley’s unique heritage and archaeology, including its Outstanding Universal Value as part of the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS).


Through a high-quality public realm, continue to attract investment in the city centre, providing employment and supporting local services.


Enhance conditions for walking and wheeling and optimise the efficiency of the public transport network. Continue to enable safer cycling linked to the strategic cycle network.


Adapt buildings, streetscape and greenspaces to our changing climate, and strengthen the appeal of the city centre to meet a range of needs by sustainable travel.


Strengthen the role of the Princes Street and First New Town gardens as part of Edinburgh’s nature network and promote nature-based solutions where possible.

Safe and inclusive

Provide an environment which is as safe, accessible and inclusive as possible for everyone at all times of day.

Operations and logistics

Ensure effective service access is maintained to support the city centre economy, whilst securing a high-quality public realm.

Where the draft strategy sits within the wider plans and strategies for the city

The draft strategy directly supports delivery of City Plan 2030’s city centre policy – Place 1, helping to

  • guide regeneration of buildings on Princes Street
  • improve its public realm
  • manage change within the Waverley Valley
  • protecting the area’s historic and architectural importance.

The draft strategy’s proposals for public realm and mobility are also embedded within our City Centre Transformation Plan and reflects our ambition to be net zero by 2030.

By defining a public realm vision aligned with the city’s Future Streets framework, this strategy supports delivery of a people-focussed city centre as set out by the City Mobility Plan.

The Princes Street proposals will complement other City Centre Transformation projects, including George Street, Meadows to George Street and Lothian Road.

The draft strategy also directly contributes to delivery of

  • World Heritage Site Management Plan  – a robust management plan to continue to protect the Outstanding Universal Value of the Old and New Towns World Heritage Site in the Capital 
  • - putting greenspaces at the heart of our communities, and helping make Edinburgh an outstanding city for wellbeing, quality of life and heritage. Greenspaces that are connected, thriving, valued and resourced.

City Centre Transformation

Find out about our plans for transforming Edinburgh's city centre.

Edinburgh City Centre Transformation strategy