
Future Streets

Rethinking our key travel corridors

Edinburgh is one of the fastest growing cities in the UK. By 2030, 37,000 new homes could add over 75,000 people to Edinburgh’s population.

Alongside this, our representative market research found 61% agreement with our proposals to expand the city’s cycle network with 60% thinking that it is important to give bus priorities at junctions.

To meet the demand and fulfil our ambition of being a net zero city by 2030, we need to re-think the way we move people and goods in and around Edinburgh, particularly on our key travel corridors. We need clear principles for how we do this. 

Our Future Streets is our approach to help us design projects to improve these corridors, making them more connected, accessible and welcoming for everyone. 

How we will balance the demands on space 

By providing significantly more space for public places, walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport, and by reducing parking, we can get a better balance along our busy key travel routes into the city centre, like Glasgow Road and Morningside Road. 

Importantly, this will help to improve the flows for private cars and freight too.

Our framework for allocating streetspace will guide us on tackling issues with congestion and provide more travel options that are greener, safer and better for our wellbeing. 

It will also help us co-ordinate road resurfacing alongside improvement projects so we can reduce the level of disruption during essential work.  

Some projects, such as resurfacing urgently needed due to rapid weather-related damage, can go ahead with minimal changes to current street layouts, while others, particularly the city’s main travel corridors, will see more substantial improvements to street space.  

Every project will involve specific local engagement and consultation so that our work meets the needs of each individual street and local community and contributes positively to the overall integrated networks across the whole city.


A new urban route linking west to east.

We recently launched a new route along the busy roads from Roseburn to Leith via the city centre. It will connect with the planned route on George Street, improving walking, wheeling, cycling and local areas where people spend time.

Read more about the new route.