
What your future journey might look like

See below how your future journeys could look if we change how we move around through the proposals in the City Mobility Plan. They give you a taste of what we want for your future and for everyone in our city.

Maria's journey

Join Maria as she walks to meet friends. We're working to make your journeys much better, by creating a safer more pleasant environment for people to walk and wheel in, with quality spaces for recreation and socialising along the way - all while retaining important access requirements for local businesses and those in need.

Nic's journey

Follow Nic's journey to a regular appointment in another part of the city. We're working to make everyone's journeys much better, with streets and transport improvements designed for everyone - whatever their circumstances. Dropped kerbs and improved designs around bus stops help to create well-connected spaces that allow for greener travel within and between neighbourhoods across the city. 

Luis' journey

Follow Luis as he takes his daughter to school by bike. We're working to make your journeys much better, with dedicated cycle lanes, safer cycle junctions and cycle parking provision.