
A guide to helping your business during major construction work

How and when we will work with you

Before construction starts

Each construction project has its own team which includes Council officers and contractors. You may already be aware of the project because you have been involved in consultations to develop the designs for your area.

Each team will work with your local community ahead of construction to let you know what is happening and when. Depending on the scope and scale of the project, this contact may include

  • letters sent directly to you
  • information events in your community
  • online information events
  • contact with local community representatives such as your Community Council and local councillors
  • email updates if you are signed  up for these.

We will work to give you as much detail as we can in advance about

  • key dates
  • changes to parking and loading
  • road closures and diversions
  • general disruption like noise and dust
  • access to your business
  • who you can contact to raise questions or concerns.

During construction

The appointed contractor will work with you on the ground, day to day to keep you informed, minimise disruption and do what they can to resolve any issues quickly.

We will let you know in advance of key stages. We will do this directly and also through local community contacts. You will also have contact information so you can get in touch if you have any concerns.

Sometimes, there will be unforeseen delays or developments during construction such as bad weather or discovering unstable structures or underground utilities which did not show up in the investigation work. In these instances, we will let you know the facts as soon as we can and try to give you an idea of any delay to work.

We will work with local community and business representatives to keep you informed and listen to any issues they raise.

We will also use street advertising materials and signs to inform people about the project, support access to businesses and to visually improve the construction site.

Other Council services you may need to contact during construction

Licences and permits and specifically tables and chairs permits.

Reporting problems for example with bins or parking. 


Photo of traffic cones along Roseburn Terrace

We will keep you up to date with changes to road and pavement access as well as parking, so you can plan ahead for deliveries and let your customers know.